Facts of Mount Agung

The highest mountain on the island is believed by the Hindu community as a place where the gods dwell. Therefore the Balinese make Mount Agung a sanctified place.
In addition there are some other facts about Mount Agung that you should know about. Here are the facts of Mount Agung that we have quoted from various sources

  • The place where ancestral spirits live
Still from the same source, Gunung Agung is believed by the local community as the center of ancestral soul burial. Besides that, it is also considered as the center of the abode of the gods who were sent by Sang Hyang Widhi to teach Hindu Dharma in Bali
  • There are certain rules for climbers
Mount Agung is open to climbers. There are two points to start climbing, namely Besakih Temple and Pasar Agung Temple. However, because it is considered as a place for ancestral spirits and gods, climbers need to obey some rules first
These rules, among others, climbers are prohibited from bringing food ingredients from beef and jewelry from gold. Female climbers are prohibited from climbing while menstruating

  • Look at Mount Rinjani
You can see the summit of Mount Rinjani in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, from the summit of Mount Agung. Besides this, Mount Batur will also greet you from the summit of Mount Agung.
The story of a number of residents welcomed the lava of Mount Agung
In 1963 when Mount Agung erupted, the caretaker of the mountain and a number of other adult men did not want to flee to safety. Instead, they welcomed lava vomit that descended from the summit of Mount Agung. Allegedly the caretaker and several other people were killed in this incident.
  • The beauty of Mount Agung
Apart from the eruption, Mount Agung also has a million beauties. At the top of this mountain there is a large crater that is very deep and sometimes likes to emit smoke and water vapor.
From the top of this mountain, climbers can see the peak of Mount Rinjani on the island of Lombok. Because basically the tops of these two mountains are above the clouds