Lake Toba in recent days, much preached.
The accident of the sinking of the Sinar Bangun motor boat became the trigger.
The Sinar Bangun ship sank in the waters of Lake Toba on its way from Simanindo Port, Samosir to Tiga Ras Harbor, Simalungun, North Sumatra,
Overload (maximum 40 people, KM Sinar Bangun allegedly when sinking took 211 passengers) and the waves hit during bad weather so the cause of the disaster occurred.
As one of the recommended destinations, so there must be facts 
About Lake Toba that must be known
  • Formed since 74,000 years ago
Supervolcano explosion (super volcano) 74,000 years ago, is said to be the embryo of Lake Toba.
Even experts also say that natural events, making the world's human population shrink by 60%.
Because of the explosion of the explosion also made a trail that was left and then became Lake Toba, has a length of 100 km, width of 30 km
Concerning its depth, it was last reported that the waters of Lake Toba were up to 1.6 km
  • Samosir Island and the lake above the lake
An island is formed, gegara pressure upward by magma that has not yet come out. The island became known as Samosir Island
  • Lake Toba is the widest lake in
Indonesia and even Southeast Asia. A volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and a width of 30 kilometers and the farthest depth of approximately 400 meters located in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
  • In the middle of Lake Toba there is a volcanic island called
Samosir Island which is located at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea level. And in the middle of Samosir Island there are still two beautiful lakes named Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang
  • It is estimated that Lake Toba occurred during a super volcanic eruption (Mount Toba) around 73,000-75,000 ago. About 2,800 cubic kilometers of volcanic material were spewed out of the mountain when it erupted, and volcanic dust blown by the wind spread to half of the earth. The eruption occurred for 1 week and throw the dust up to 10 kilometers above sea level
  • According to estimates, the eruption of the super volcano caused mass death and caused the extinction of some living species
  • The eruption of Mount Toba affects world civilization. It is estimated, this mighty eruption caused changes in the earth's weather and the start of the ice age