Malioboro Tourism

Malioboro Street, who doesn't know him, is a heart of nostalgia, when we are on a tour to Yogyakarta. Because, this is where many tourists feel the iconic sensation and really Jogja. Can not be called to Yogyakarta, if not visited the street which is this shopping center. Malioboro Tourism is a symbol of Jogja itself
Most tourists who still enjoy traveling in Malioboro are students from all parts of Indonesia who are currently on a study tour. But at night, this area seems to be dominated by adults who like to enjoy street art, they sit around chatting, eating, while enjoying the urban climate.
That's a glimpse of Malioboro's profile, the following below is a review of the facts of the Malioboro road that is rarely known. Reviews that make us realize that the charm of Malioboro is throughout the ages
  • Malioboro Street is a Shopping Center
Yes, on Maliboro street, visitors will be treated to views of shops lined up on the right and left, from modern shops to street vendors. On the shoulder of the road, tourists can sit and eat snacks in the style of this special city. But it would be nice to negotiate before buying because of rumors, the price of food in Malioboro is quite expensive
  • Morning and Evening Exoticism in Malioboro
The fact of the Malioboro road says that the best time to enjoy Malioboro is the morning before the sun has not dawned high, and the afternoon when sunset approaches. The thing is, if you come there above 8 am to 5 pm, the Malioboro road is too hot. It seems like this is also a homework for the Jogja government to protect Malioboro more with trees
  • The Origin of the Malioboro Street Name
Indeed, this shopping area is not as busy as it used to be because tourists prefer to explore nature and cultural tourism in Jogja. But still, the road that was once named Marlborough is still timeless
  • Close to two large stations
Not until the radius of two kilometers from Malioboro, there are two large stations that stand in Yogyakarta namely Tugu, and Lempuyangan stations. The difference is that Lempuyangan is an economy class train stop, while Tugu is an executive train series.
Tourists who want to visit Yogya, mostly get off at these two stations. Imagine, if they want to go around looking for lodging or to unwind for a while, the Malioboro area is their first destination
  • Many historic tourist attractions
In the Malioboro area, there is the Jogja Monument, the Vredeburg fort, and the March 1 Public Attack monument. At the zero kilometer point, there is a legacy building owned by BNI.
Three hundred meters to the south, you can visit the North Square. On the other side, there was Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate Palace and Kauman Great Mosque